Large Paintings

Mid-Size Paintings

Small & Miniature Paintings


Commission Paintings

If you would like to commission a portrait or artwork highlighting a specific theme or color scheme, please email me for a detailed quote. I’m happy to provide you examples of previous commissions and work with you to bring your vision to life. I base the pricing of my commissions upon the size, complexity, and number of subjects within the painting. I usually request several reference pictures for portrait painting and also enjoy taking my own. Below is my pricing information, prior to framing and/or shipping costs.  Shipping out of state generally adds between 40-60$. The prices below are a general guideline but can vary depending on subject matter.

Pricing Information:

Portrait Commissions: 10×14" and 12×16" paintings are generally $500 for one subject. I prefer working at this size range for portraits.

16×20" paintings – $800

22×30"  paintings – between $1000 and $1200. 

Painting brings magic to my life and I’m thrilled to bring a little to yours too!
